DIY Baby Oil


Baby oil is a staple product for many parents, offering moisture and protection for their little one’s delicate skin. However, store-bought baby oil can be expensive, especially when used frequently. The good news is that you can save money and have control over the ingredients by making your own DIY baby oil at home. In this article, we will explore budget-friendly DIY baby oil recipes to help frugal parents provide gentle and nourishing care for their baby’s skin. Divided into three parts, each containing two levels of content, we will share easy recipes that are both cost-effective and safe for your little one.

Part 1: Natural Oil Blends for Baby’s Skin

Level 1: Olive Oil and Chamomile

Olive oil is a natural and affordable option for DIY baby oil. Its moisturizing properties help nourish and protect the baby’s delicate skin. To make a soothing blend, combine 1 cup of extra virgin olive oil with a handful of dried chamomile flowers in a sterilized glass jar. Allow the mixture to infuse for at least two weeks, shaking the jar occasionally. Strain the oil using a cheesecloth or fine-mesh strainer to remove the chamomile flowers. The resulting homemade baby oil is gentle, nourishing, and suitable for daily use.

Level 2: Coconut Oil and Lavender

Coconut oil is another cost-effective option that provides excellent moisturization for baby’s skin. Its antimicrobial properties can help soothe irritated skin and prevent diaper rashes. Combine 1 cup of organic coconut oil with 10-15 drops of lavender essential oil in a sterilized glass jar. Mix well until the essential oil is evenly distributed. Coconut oil solidifies at cooler temperatures, so you may need to warm it slightly before use. This DIY baby oil with lavender not only hydrates the skin but also offers a calming and relaxing aroma for both baby and parent.

BABY CARE SET – Urban Oreganics

Part 2: Calming Baby Oil Infusions

Level 1: Calendula-Infused Grapeseed Oil

Calendula is well-known for its soothing and healing properties, making it an excellent addition to DIY baby oil. To create a calendula-infused oil, fill a sterilized glass jar halfway with dried calendula flowers. Pour grapeseed oil over the flowers, filling the jar to the top. Seal the jar tightly and place it in a sunny spot for at least six weeks to allow the oil to infuse. Strain the oil using a cheesecloth or fine-mesh strainer, ensuring all flower particles are removed. The resulting baby oil is gentle, moisturizing, and perfect for sensitive skin.

Level 2: Chamomile and Almond Oil

Chamomile is renowned for its calming properties, making it an excellent addition to DIY baby oil to promote relaxation and soothe irritations. Combine 1 cup of almond oil with a handful of dried chamomile flowers in a sterilized glass jar. Let the mixture sit for at least two weeks, shaking the jar occasionally. Strain the oil using a fine-mesh strainer to remove the chamomile flowers. The resulting chamomile-infused almond oil is gentle, nourishing, and perfect for providing a calming massage to your little one.

Organic Baby Oil with Organic Argan and Apricot Kernel Oil

Part 3: Simple Multi-Purpose Baby Oil

Level 1: Jojoba and Vitamin E

Jojoba oil closely resembles the skin’s natural sebum, making it an ideal ingredient for a multi-purpose DIY baby oil. It moisturizes and protects the skin without leaving a greasy residue. Combine 1 cup of jojoba oil with 3-4 capsules of vitamin E oil in a sterilized glass jar. Vitamin E acts as a natural preservative and provides additional benefits for the skin. Mix well to combine the oils thoroughly. This simple yet effective DIY baby oil is versatile, suitable for dry skin, cradle cap, and gentle massages.

Level 2: Sweet Almond and Apricot Kernel Oil

A blend of sweet almond and apricot kernel oil creates a nourishing and versatile DIY baby oil suitable for everyday use. Mix 1/2 cup of sweet almond oil with 1/2 cup of apricot kernel oil in a sterilized glass jar. These oils are light and absorbent, making them perfect for moisturizing the skin without clogging pores. The combination of sweet almond and apricot kernel oil provides hydration and nourishment, leaving your baby’s skin soft and supple.

Custom Blends: Work With Me to Pick Three Essential Oils Specifically for Your Intentions to Add to Any Product - Etsy

Part 4: Tips for Using DIY Baby Oil

Level 1: Patch Test and Allergy Considerations

Before applying any homemade baby oil to your little one’s skin, it’s essential to perform a patch test. Apply a small amount of the oil mixture to a small area on your baby’s arm or leg and observe for any adverse reactions or allergies. If redness, irritation, or discomfort occurs, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional. Additionally, be cautious when using essential oils in baby oil recipes, as some infants may be sensitive or allergic to certain scents. Always dilute essential oils properly and follow recommended guidelines for safe usage.

Level 2: Storage and Shelf Life

To maintain the quality and effectiveness of your DIY baby oil, proper storage is crucial. Store the homemade oil in a sterilized glass jar with a tight-fitting lid, in a cool and dark place. Exposure to heat, light, and air can degrade the oils and reduce their shelf life. While most homemade baby oils have a relatively long shelf life, it’s recommended to make small batches and use them within six months to ensure freshness and potency.

baby oil – Whole Heartily

Part 5: Additional Considerations for Baby Skincare

Level 1: Consistency and Frequency

When using DIY baby oil, consistency and frequency are key. Apply a small amount of oil to your baby’s skin and massage gently until absorbed. Too much oil may leave a greasy residue or make it difficult for the skin to breathe. Determine the appropriate amount based on your baby’s individual needs and adjust as necessary. Additionally, consider the frequency of application. Some babies may benefit from daily use, while others may require oiling only a few times a week. Observe your baby’s skin and adjust the application frequency accordingly.

Level 2: Personalize and Experiment

Each baby’s skin is unique, so feel free to personalize and experiment with different DIY baby oil recipes until you find the perfect blend for your little one. You can adjust the ratios of oils or combine different ingredients to address specific skin concerns such as dryness, rashes, or sensitivity. Remember to introduce new oils or ingredients gradually, observing how your baby’s skin reacts to each one. By taking a personalized approach, you can create a DIY baby oil that suits your baby’s skin type and addresses their specific skincare needs.


Creating your own DIY baby oil allows you to provide gentle and nourishing care for your little one’s delicate skin while being mindful of your budget. The natural oil blends and calming infusions mentioned in this article offer safe, cost-effective, and easy-to-make alternatives to store-bought baby oil. Whether you choose olive oil and chamomile, coconut oil and lavender, or any of the other combinations, each recipe offers unique benefits for your baby’s skin. By making your own baby oil, you have the flexibility to customize the ingredients according to your child’s specific needs and preferences. Embrace these budget-friendly DIY baby oil recipes and enjoy the satisfaction of providing your baby with gentle, nourishing, and cost-effective skincare.

By mm z

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